Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Flexibility ---> Oly Lifts

WOD: (main site)
20 min AMRAP
10 - 115 lbs push press
10 - 1.5 pood KBS
10 - Box jumps

Click on the title of this post and read about preparing for Olympic lifts. Make sure you read all the way through... notice at the conclusion how he specifies clients in their 50's are successfully executing these lifts.
CRAWL before we can walk people... I know you may be strong enough to heave the weight over your head, but my God, if the form is all wrong than we are setting ourselves up for disaster. Do the stretches I tell you, or that are in this article, or that your coach has set up for you. Start with light weights and really NAIL the form here people. Olympic lifts are becoming widely popular for a reason... THEY WORK WONDERS!! IF..... we do them right.
Happy Oly lifting everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG this WOD sucked... horrible score for me.
    Rx 8 rounds + 10 + 10
