Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eat right. "Shut up". No.... I will not.

WOD: (from main site)
75# SDHP
75# Push Press

When I tell friends that their diet is as much responsible for their abs not looking like The Situation's abs, or that the food they are eating - or not eating - is the reason they feel tired and run down all the time, they all pretty much tell me the same thing: "Shut up." Well, enough is enough.
At some point, you have to care enough about your body, your health, and your future to say SCREW THIS CRAP I am going to start eating right. If you have it in your to train and push your body to the limit, you definitely have the inner strength to put that piece of pizza down and pick up something better.
Yes I am being a hypocrite. I had pizza, ice cream and bite of a piece of candy that consisted of Nerds attached with sugar onto a licorice like candy... horrible.
But its time for a change and I think that time is NOW. This article is just ONE of the many many many benefits of a good, clean diet. Yes the Paleo diet (and/or the Zone diet) is the choice of most CrossFitters, and its something I think we should all take a look at it.
Here is an article that talks about just one way a good diet helps us regain or remain in good health. Great stuff.... give it a read.


  1. Sabrina (8# KB for high pulls / 5# DB for press): 6:44
    Bruce (24# KB " " / 20# DB " "): 12:42
    Ryan (Rx) 5:48

    Great work from Sabrina and Bruce... 99% of the people would have quit, Brucie B. soldiered on... and that is EXACTLY WHY I LOVE THIS!! pushing it to the limit... and further.

  2. Great job Sabrina and Bruce...make every drop of sweat count!
