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I really enjoy writing and after reading "Tribe of Mentors" by Timothy Ferriss (great read highly recommend it... thanks Elle!) I decided in 2018 I am going to write more. For me, for you, for the Cosmos, for whoever or whatever reason I am going to write more. Some things I will share, some things I will not... but more time will be set aside for me to follow my passions and writing is definitely one of them.
Now lets get to today's blog post. Been doing a LOT of reflecting during the final few weeks of 2017. For anyone who knows me, you know it has been a rough 18 months... going from the highs of all highs on my wedding day and honeymoon, followed by the low of all lows when I found out my father was dying of cancer. Heartache and pain is a stranger to no one, and despite the sadness I am just as often overcome with love and appreciation for the time I was fortunate enough to spend with my father, for the life I have, and for the future life I am so excited to live.
All these emotions and thoughts have led to some profound (and not so profound) realizations and I am going to share some of them with you. So read on enjoy!
18 Things to Start / Try / Change in 2018
*in no particular order*
1) Grow a mustache
Well don't if you are a girl... but if you are a guy and you have never done something to drastically change the way you look, try it in 2018! Girls - maybe do something crazy with your hair. Why? Because you will discover A LOT about how you see yourself... is your value and self worth attached to your looks to an unhealthy degree? Is how you look and feel on the outside MORE important than the inside? If so, getting out of your comfort zone in terms of your looks will quickly let you know.
2) Exercise more
If you do not exercise AT ALL, then you are missing out on the most powerful tool you have to help improve your quality of life. Doesn't have to be CrossFit, doesn't even have to be in a gym... but it has to be something. And just like you wouldn't trust Google to help perform a root canal on yourself, dont leave your fitness journey up to keyboard warriors. Seek out a professional and let them guide you.
3) Exercise less
I spend too much time working out. I know that. And its time I could be with my wife... my mother... my nieces and nephews... working on my career... taking my dog to the park. It is something I want to change in 2018 and I challenge some of you fellow gym wackos to do the same.
4) Love animals
In whatever way you choose to express that love - my recommendation is rescue a puppy - do something. Animals have the capacity to change your life and give you something many people have a truly hard time giving: unconditional love. Well not a cat... they are a**holes but pretty much any other animal (kidding... kind of) Getting a pet is a HUGE responsibility and not one that should be taken lightly but it really can be life-changing. Do your homework, take your time to really think about it, and find your best fur friend. He/she is out there waiting for you I can assure you!
5) Run as fast as you can
Sprinting is one of the coolest things we can do as humans. And its not something we will ALWAYS be able to do... so if you are fortunate enough to have the ability to still run a full sprint, go and do it. Preferably under the guidance of a coach in a structured program... but if not, SCREW IT. JUST GO RUN DAMMIT. It will feel amazing I assure you.
6) Travel somewhere people DO NOT look just like you
It is a unique feeling to be on a subway, or in a restaurant where no matter where you look, NO ONE looks anything like you. Unfortunately, many of us never really experience this and it makes our world view that much more narrow. Travel somewhere distant, not just in terms of miles of culture as well. Be uncomfortable and see how you feel, how you instinctively react, and be forever cognizant of those thoughts and feelings the next time you are a part of the majority instead of the minority.
7) Study history
There is no movie, no Netflix original, no tv series more fascinating than what has already happened in REAL LIFE. Whether it is the times of Ancient Egypt or the Industrial Revolution here in the United States, there are so many mind-blowing stories and tales that will impact you much more than another Harry Potter marathon.
8) Read Fydor Dostoevsky
He is considered one of the greatest authors in history for good reason. His works reveal truths about humanity in such an intellectually moving fashion, it just cant help but leave its imprint on your soul. "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamozov" are my favorite but you really can't go wrong.
I know its not the cheapest trip in the world and I am blessed enough for my wife and I to have been gifted vacation points from my mother in law on two separate occasions... but if there is ANY way you can get there, YOU NEED TO GO!!! It is a special place it really is. Its entire existence is centered around bringing happiness to everyone who enters their parks. Once in a while we all deserve to spend our days in a world where happiness is the ONLY priority. And eat Mickey ice cream bars for breakfast... throughout the day... and evening.....
10) Play rugby
Every rugby club on the planet is ready and willing to take you in and teach you what I believe is the greatest sport on earth. It is physical, it is obviously potentially injurious... but it is unique beyond explanation in its ability to test your individual mental, and physical fortitude AS WELL AS develop your capability to be a great teammate and to be someone people can rely on. You will learn things about yourself you never knew, and do things you never before thought possible. Age is nothing but a number on the pitch so if you are later on in years you can play with the Old Boys!
11) Be more romantic
Material gifts are great... but they are just that: material. Being romantic with your significant other is the most special gift you can give. It 100% unique to you and your partner and is a reminder of what makes your bond and your relationship so special. Dont ever let "stuff" replace actions. Do more for the one you love... AND BONUS ADVICE: do it without expecting anything in return. That is TRUE love.
12) Go to the doctor
Doctors aren't wizards... but they can help us learn about some very important health markers that can greatly effect our lives. Whether its cancer screenings or regular check ups with blood work, understand that WebMD cant always give you the information you need. Do not be scared about what you don't know and instead feel empowered by obtaining all the information you can about your body and your health and then doing something about it. Do not wait till its too late.
13) Give someone a chance
This could mean a million different things. The point here is to forgive more, to not hold grudges that do nothing but hold YOU down, and to share with as many people as possible one of the greatest gifts of all: an opportunity. Maybe its an opportunity to be a better friend or to be a better worker. Take a chance on investing in someone and try instilling hope instead of fear and despair.
14) Stop lying to yourself
I know this one is hard. We justify little white lies all the time... I know I do ("Honey I swear I am leaving in 5 minutes I will be home in like a half hour I swear!"). But those lies pale in comparison to the ones you tell yourself. And those lies are the MOST damaging. This year take a real long, hard look in the mirror and realize who you REALLY are. Many of us will be pleasantly surprised to realize we are pretty damn awesome!! And some of us will realize we have created a "fake" life around us that is hiding who we really are and is keeping us from ever truly being happy. Either way, its a necessary moment we all need to experience. Make it happen this year.
15) Ask for help
I am unaware of a human being on the planet who has lived an entire life without ever receiving any form of help. Heck from the INSTANT we are conceived and for the first several years of our existence outside of the womb we are completely dependent on help from others. While being independent is great, being humble enough to ask for help sometimes is extremely important. Life can be difficult, painful and downright cruel sometimes. We don't always have to take the weight of the world on our shoulders, and knowing when to say "I need help" can change our lives drastically.
16) Host a party
Your family and friends are your EVERYTHING. Without them, what are you? Take those things away and you are person who works... or doesn't work. You just... are. Family and friends make up our entire social network and are the ones that share our joys and sorrows, our ups and downs... they walk with us every step on our journey through life and they are the ones who help shape and form our memory long after we are gone. So stop being "too busy" and have a party and invite everyone over this year... P.S. food helps. Especially if you invite me.
17) Save more money. Spend more money.
Yes you read that right. This year, be more fiscally responsible. It took some lessons from my beautiful wife Michele to teach me fiscal responsibility within our home, but I am finally starting to get it. Saving money - SOONER rather than later - is vital as growing old comes with a lot of struggles and concerns and the last thing you want is finances to be one of them.
AT THE SAME TIME, do not let the best years of your life go by stressing about saving every penny and hoarding every dollar. Go out to dinner once in a while and order your OWN dessert instead of sharing... buy tickets to that concert. Go skiing for the day. Buy that toy for your dog just to watch his reaction when you bring it home. Be smart. Be responsible. But dont let the opportunity for special moments pass you by in the name of "saving".
I am tired of trying to keep up with social media. And you should be too. Live life and do things for the sake of doing them and experiencing them... not just so you can post it on social media. I could go on but instead I will share this quote from world renowned best-selling author Steven Pressfield:
"The disease of our time is that we live on the surface. We're like the Platte River, a mile wide and an inch deep. I always say 'If you want to become a billionaire, invent something that allows people to indulge their own Resistance.' Somebody did invent it. Its called the Internet. Social media. Its that wonderland where we can flit from one superficial, jerkoff distraction to another, always remaining on the surface, never going deeper than an inch. Real work and real satisfaction come from the opposite of what the web provides."
Well, there you have it. 18 things for you to ponder, digest, and do whatever you will with it. I am sure some of you will disagree with me and that is quite alright... if an idea challenges you and strengthens your convictions than you will move with more courage and boldness into 2018 so mission accomplished. But if some of what I said struck a nerve dont run from it but instead really meditate on it. What is it that made you think? What did it make you feel? And what do you want to do - if anything at all - about it?
Happy New Year everyone... may this year be the BEST in a succession of many many many many more amazing years ahead.
Giants. Super Bowl. Next year. Lock it up. Boom.
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