Life and Training... with an Attitude.

Train hard. Suck. Figue out why you suck. Train harder. Fix it. Be awesome.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
The Universe
The Universe is crazy.
Regardless of personal belief, we can all agree that the Universe (or fill in whatever deity) works in mysterious ways at times. Some times its for the better - like a serendipitous encounter with the man or woman of your dreams - and sometimes its for the worse... a visit to any children's hospital will show you that.
And while the good times are plenty for many of us, the reality is the Universe can - at any moment - deliver us some terrible, tragic news. For my father, it was terminal cancer that took his life just three months ago. Esophageal cancer that had less than a 2% chance of spreading to his brain.... and yet did just that. And now for my wife, its ulcerative colitis- a treatable yet incurable disease that despite no known family history and living a healthy, active lifestyle, has taken over her life, stripping away over 20 lbs from her already small frame.
Through my dad's battle and now my wife's struggle, I have always remained a glass half full kind of guy. I am, till this very moment, unaware of any situation that was improved by complaining, worrying, or looking for pity.
But I have been really struck by something through all of this and I have felt compelled to share it with as many people as possible.
And that is this: The Universe - or whatever you want to call it - is ALWAYS just a moment away from delivering some life-altering news your way. So many things that can happen to us that are beyond our control... so many things that can happen despite our best efforts to prevent them. So to me, it absolutely begs the question:
As previously stated, so many things are completely out of our control... heck, some people will tell you its ALL out of your control. But there ARE things we can do in order to tell the Universe "I'm ok Ma'am... no need to trouble me everything is A-OK over here." There are things we can do to minimize the chance that the Universe does single us out for some terrible disease and allow us to embrace any struggle thrown our way and come out better, stronger, wiser....
Here are what I think just a few of those things are (in no particular order)
- Stop lying to yourself. Its one thing to lie to everyone around you, to post lies on social media, to try and convince the world you are something you are not... but do not start to believe those things yourself. Figure out who you really are, find out what truly makes you happy, and pursue that relentlessly. Anything else will just hinder your progress. Do this before its too late...
- Learn to build relationships and not destroy them. Make lasting bonds with real connections... they are the people who will help you when the Universe comes calling. If you are filled with negativity you will become toxic to be around. How do you know if that is you? Think about this quote: "If you run into an a**hole in the morning, you ran into an a**hole. If you run into a**holes all day than YOU'RE the a**hole."
- Be a glass half full kind of person. Do not spend all of your time miserable and depressed. Live with positivity. Enjoy every second, every moment you get because when the Universe calls your number - and make no mistake it will get called - you will not want to look back and think "I wish I would have..." or "Or why didn't I..."
- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take care of your body!!!!!!!!!!! Its your only one! Its all you got!!!! Exercise and leading a healthy lifestyle does not guarantee a problem free lifestyle but it sure does improve your chances. And if misfortune should befall you, you will most certainly be more physically, mentally and emotionally ready to handle whatever comes your way.
Well, there you have it. Just some thoughts from a man who is no more an authority on this subject than any of you. Feel free to disregard all of it, or some of it... but at least think about it. Our time is just way too short and the Universe can make it even shorter without ever asking your permission. Figure things out sooner rather than later... and when in doubt smile and be thankful for another chance, another day to get things right.
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