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Mark G getting some extra work done... |
Every so often, I take time to really analyze what the hell I am doing in the gym. Not so much for myself (I will always see myself as a guinea pig experimenting to find new and / or better ways to program for my gym) but more for those who come to my gym. I view it as a great honor that anyone would have faith and trust in me to take care of their bodies and provide for them the best training experience possible. I do not take that responsibility lightly and I am well aware how great of an impact my influence can have on people... both positive AND negative.
You see, training is not hard to get right... but boy is it sure easy to get wrong. One bad rep, one missed cue, one ill-timed workout and suddenly we go from healthy to injured. Sometimes its unavoidable and truly no one's fault, but more often than not there is someone culpable... and that someone is usually the trainer or coach or whatever word you like to use.
Therefore I am always vigilant over my programming and my coaching; always making sure I am giving my members the best of the best. As the world of fitness continues to evolve I make sure to evolve with it, reading articles, speaking with trusted colleagues, seeking the advice of those more experienced than myself, and as mentioned earlier, using myself as a testing ground to see what works and what doesn't.
And each time I reflect on what I have done in the past, analyze what I am currently doing, and visualize what I will do in the future, I ask myself: is CrossFit really working? This usually leads to an internal debate on what the hell CrossFit even is anymore as it has come to vary so greatly from gym to gym. That is a whole other discussion...
As for the question, my answer is always the same: yes. CrossFit really is working. Not because Greg Glassman is some genius or Dave Castro is a wizard or "constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity" is some magical recipe unique to CrossFit...
... the reason CrossFit works is because 7 years ago when I first started CrossFit it taught me the most valuable lesson of my coaching career: never become complacent, never stop evolving. I started doing CrossFit because it was different, it challenged everything I thought I knew. And as a result, I truly did find something better.
Till this very day I do the same thing... I challenge myself and what CrossFit is and how I apply it to my gym. I am constantly questioning and seeking out better ways to help my members reach their goals. Sometimes my beliefs do not align with popular CrossFit methodology, and sometimes I even find myself vehemently disagreeing with fellow CrossFit coaches. The end result is I learn, I grow, I get better... and I bring that vastly improved product to my gym.
Whether it is OPT, Charles Poliquin, Martin Rooney, or the college intern who is sharing with me what he learned in class, I am always seeking out the best practices and training models for my members. I learned that from CrossFit and for that I am grateful because I truly believe it has played a significant role in my success as a coach.
CrossFit works. It works because its model has allowed room for evolution and continued improvement. It is up to us as coaches and trainers to ensure this evolution and improvement never ceases, and as a result, our members remain happy and satisfied with the inevitable positive results they will enjoy.
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