Monday, September 9, 2013

Programming 9/9 through 9/15

It's like creating art...
Until I can find a better way to get this programming out, I will use my blog.

My program is designed with the athletes here at the Attitude Nation specifically in mind.  While the program is suitable for anyone, you may see more of an emphasis on particular movements or rep schemes or weight % that I feel is necessary for MY athletes that I am responsible for helping.  But, in my opinion, even Rich Froning has not mastered every single aspect of this ever-changing sport and there is no one particular thing any of us should feel we have "mastered" and therefore do not need to train.  So use this programming and I assure you there will be results....

Currently we are in week two of a four week cycle focusing on establishing muscle endurance while maintaining our maximum strength and power gains obtained from our last cycle.  Conditioning workouts will focus on short explosive efforts and mainly time domains under 10:00 as we build our "engine" up and hopefully peak during the Open season.  Strength work will continue with more complexes and sets requiring multiple reps being instituted.  As we all know the sport of fitness has been known to test more of your ability to move heavy weight for multiple reps than it has been to merely test your one rep max.  We will continue to strive to increase our absolute strength, of course, but now we will begin to establish the necessary power, stamina and endurance to move higher % for multiple reps.

Any questions, feel free to comment or email me.

Unless you are a Cowboys fan.  Than get off my page.  Now.

Kidding. Sort of.

-          Back Squat
o   3 x 10 @ higher than last week (no higher than 65%)
-          Snatch
o   15:00 to find max 2 position snatch (Floor + Hi Hang)
-          Front Squat
o   15:00 to establish a heavy but not maximal double
§  Focus on a VERTICAL back and high elbows
§  Focus on utilizing “bounce” out of the bottom
-          Conditioning
o   21-15-9
§  KBS 70/53
§  Box Jumps 30/24
·         EMOM perform 5 burpees
-          Clean and Jerk
o   15:00 Minutes to establish 2 position clean (floor + hi hang) and jerk
o   Conditioning
§  3 Rounds for time
·         10 Deadlift 275/185
·         50 Double Unders
-          Back Squat
o   5 x 5 @ Heavier than last week (no higher than 80%)
-          Snatch / Clean and Jerk
o   EMOM 7:00
§  2 Snatch @ 80%
o   Rest exactly 5:00 then
o   EMOM 7:00
§  2 Cleans + 1 Jerk @ 80%
o   Conditioning
§  2000m row for time
-          Rest / Recovery
-          Snatch 
o   MAX
-          Clean and Jerk
o   MAX
-          Conditioning
o   5 Rounds for time:
§  10 Toes to bar
§  25 Wall ball
-          Front Squat
o   3 x 3 @ 85%
-          Conditioning
o   10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2
§  Snatch 115/75#
o   Muscle ups
§  5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

-           Rest / Recovery 

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