Monday, September 30, 2013

Programming 9/30 through 10/4

Winning medals is fun... the work needed to get there can sometimes be "not so" fun. Suck it up and work. 

No excuses… ok well maybe a few.  This past week at the Attitude Nation Gym has been crazy.  With the weightlifters continually crushing BIG WEIGHTS and now the Performance side of things really starting to take off, I am just so excited I can’t contain myself.  And then I get a visit from my lovely girlfriend Michele and before you know it BAM its Sunday night and it’s time for a new week. 
Phew.  Deep breath. 
I wanted to get the programming up for this week but due to some time constraints and the hectic week, I am going to need just one more day.  The next 4 week cycle will emphasize our strength in the front squat and clean.  We will also do more work dedicated to improving our overhead strength (push press, jerks).  There will be an increase in pull up – related movements during conditioning as I have noticed our athletes need a little more work in this area. 
For skills, muscle ups and skill related transfer exercises will be programmed in.  As the Open approaches, we can assume that muscle ups will almost certainly be included in the workouts (as they have been the past several years).  Much like athletes max weights in the snatch and clean and jerk have increased every year, so has their gymnastics ability.  The days where a handful of people could get muscle ups are long gone, and they need to be a strength for any serious competitive athlete. 
Here is today’s workout.  Rest will be up tonight.  Get some.

Week 1 of 4

Back Squat
-          3 x 5 @ 75%

Snatch (15-20 min)
-          Work up to a heavy but not max single, then: 3 x 2 at 75% of final weight made

-          EMOM 10:00 (alternating)
o   12 Pull ups
o   12 Burpees

Finisher (not for time)

-          3 x 10-15 STRICT ring dips

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