Sunday, July 21, 2013

Follow the Recipe

One of my all time favorite songs... nothing to do with my blog but its a classic.
There is something really bothering me in the training world nowadays.  I am seeing it with coaches and athletes at all levels and I think it’s something that needs to be addressed. 
   Let’s use an analogy.  Or a metaphor.  Or simile.  Damn I can never get those straight….
Cooking.  I can’t cook.  To be fair I’ve never really tried to learn to cook because I prefer convenience over taste during my regular meals.  I can eat a ton but during the hustle and bustle of the work week or if I am busy on the weekends, having to eat is really nothing more than a huge inconvenience for me. 
   But – for the sake of this blog – let’s pretend I do know how to cook. 
   So let’s say one night I go to visit my friend’s house and he is cooking up a fantastic meal.  When we sit down to eat I am blown away by the flavor and the texture, the combination of spices and herbs, the strength of some aspects and the subtleness of others.  I tell my friend that I absolutely must have this recipe because (remember this is fantasy world) I am such a good cook and I would love to make this recipe in the future.  My friend says sure and hands me a pen and paper.  I listen attentively and write down all the ingredients, all the amounts, the cooking times, and even jot down little notes about some “secrets” he learned through trial and error. 
   Time goes by and I am ready to try and duplicate this meal I enjoyed so much.  Remember I was given ALL of the ingredients and instructions on how to recreate this meal.  But as I begin, I notice I don’t have two of the ingredients.  Oh well… shouldn’t be too big of a deal.  Then where it says add a pinch, I decide a pinch just isn’t enough so I put in several pinches.  Finally I don’t feel like waiting the instructed time for the meal to cook so I cut off a few minutes and take it out of the oven early.  As I prepare the meal and sit down excited to enjoy that wonderful tasting food once again, I am quickly disappointed when I realize it tastes NOTHING LIKE it did before.  But why not?  I mean I followed the recipe… well, I mean I sort of followed the recipe? 
   This is what coaches AND athletes do with their programming in the gym.  Coaches will use a popular program and apply it to the masses, altering it to fit their constraints.  But – much like my example above – you are no longer getting the same product.  In fact, you really don’t know what you are getting.  Athletes are sometimes no better, claiming to follow this or that but adjusting the program how they see fit.  This is acceptable at times, but more often than not you are altering the quality of the programming and therefore failing to reap the maximum benefit for what it was originally designed to do. 
   Coaches who program (hopefully!) are programming with a plan in mind.  There is an objective behind each movement, each day, each week, and each cycle.  There are specific goals and objectives in mind, and if these goals do not fit yours then the answer is not to alter the program but instead find one that works for you. 
   “But Ryan I go to a gym that programs for us and I just follow it.  How do I know it’s what I need?”
   As long as your coaches are qualified, experienced and intelligent in their craft, you will be fine.   After all there are only certain ways the human body can move: we squat, we put things over our head, we pick things up, and we jump, push, pull and run.  As long as the movements used in training simulate these functional movements and are accompanied by the proper resistance to ensure strength and endurance gains with attention paid to your individual limitations (i.e. flexibility, experience), you will be fine.  Also there should be a visible periodized evolution to the program that allows for development, adaptation and compensation.  Ask questions people!   Question anything you do not understand and allow your coach the opportunity to explain the reasoning behind their program for you and the gym.  You pay for our service… take full advantage of it!
   Ok let me go ahead and tie everything together and leave this blog post with a nice little bow on top.  FOLLOW A PROGRAM.  Stop trying to change it to your liking or skipping days because you don’t like the “WOD”.  You will get results I promise you as long as you have good instruction, dedication to the program, and a positive attitude.  Don’t ruin that great tasting recipe by adding or subtracting where you think appropriate… because if you do, you will not be happy with the results. 
   Time to take Oscar out for a walk… see you guys soon.

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