9 Push press
21 burpees
15 push press
15 burpees
21 push press
9 burpees
(you determine the weight!)
Injuries are not fun. And while I would not say they are inevitable, I would say that anyone who is active stands a legitimate shot at obtaining an injury somewhere along the way.
What absolutely kills me though are the people that blame the activity, the sport, or the training for why they got hurt. "Dont play rugby you could get hurt!" "Dont do CrossFit you will get hurt!" "Dont go outside you might get hurt!" Thousands upon thousands of people play rugby every single day and do not get hurt. Just as many people do CrossFit every single day and not only do not get hurt, but are in PHENOMENAL health. And no need to address going outside....
People obtain injuries for many reasons, but NOT because of the action(s) they performed. We have only a short time on this earth, and an even shorter time to be young and active. DO NOT SPEND IT IN A BUBBLE because you are afraid of an injury. Do not be scared off by a wuss who complains about an injury that is a result of nothing more than their poor condition and performance. Go out and CHALLENGE yourself, push your body to the limit and experience life to the fullest. It doesnt have to be CrossFit or rugby, it can be anything at all... but please do not let the best years of your life pass you by because you are afraid of injuries.
Injuries happen to all of us who have spent our time doing the things we love... not sitting on a couch watching people on tv DOING the things we love. Remember that....
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