WOD: Its a TWO-fer!
"Amy" 5 RFT
5 Push Jerks (#135/95)
10 Pullups
15 Double Unders
** Rest 2-3 minutes MAX and then move on to....
10 KBS (24kg/16kg)
10 Box Jumps (24"/20")
10 Burpees
Happy MANUAL Labor day kiddies! Thats right while most people will be taking an off day or scaling back their workout program for the day, I have decided to load up my iTouch with some of my favorite jams, go into the gym and CRUSH two consecutive WODs (a la Miko Salo style, winner of the 2009 CrossFit Games).
The second workout originally called for 200m run / KBS / burpee box jumps, but seeing as I cant be running in and out of the gym (its closed and I am the only one in there... dont want to be leaving it unlocked with noone in there even for just a 200m sprint!). So I tweaked it a little bit... BTW this double WOD is courtesy of my brothers and sisters from CROSSFIT IRELAND!!! GO IRISH!!!
No lessons today... though make sure you tune in tomorrow as I am going to hook you all up with a link that should become a part of your daily routine. Some mind blowing stuff from one of the smartest and best conditioning guys in CrossFit. Stay tuned... things are going to start getting GOOD around here...
Enjoy this WOD(s)!!!
Ryan (Rx) 1st wod: 8:29 2nd wod: 5:30 ** 2 minute break in betwen