Life and Training... with an Attitude.

Life and Training... with an Attitude.
Train hard. Suck. Figue out why you suck. Train harder. Fix it. Be awesome.

Monday, September 27, 2010

CrossFit can save your life in a forest fire...?

Front Squats.... get the flexibility down, get those triceps parallel to the FLOOR PLEASE!
Take 10 minutes to find a max... 1RM, 3RM, 5RM I DONT CARE find it....

aaaaand then... "An in-10-se workout"
10 RFT
10 KB press R arm
10 KBS
10 KB press L arm
10 KB high pulls
(** EMOM do 10 pushups) 20 minute CAP... so get moving!

Click on the title to this post and read the intro to the article about how one person actually credits CF with aiding him escape a deadly fire... fascinating.

I talked to a kid today at the gym who is a type I diabetic. He had some crazy thing stuck in his backside attached to a small iPod-like thing that continuously pumped insulin into his body. He told me that he had changed to the Paleo diet and doing so had drastically improved his health. Previously, he said he went through dosages of insulin in 3 days, as his body required that much to help control his diabetic condition. But with changing his eating habits, we was now going a full week and barely needing any extra insulin from his iPod-machine thingy.

This really resonated with me... the power that clean, healthy eating has on the human body. I am getting older and can no longer (not that we EVER should but...) afford to take my body for granted. I want to be functioning at an optimum level and ignorance is no longer an excuse for not doing so. The knowledge is all readily available to all of us, we just need to obtain the will power and start eating RIGHT.

I am pretty much just preaching to myself right now but if anyone else out there feels me, holla at ya boy....

1 comment:

  1. with a 16kg KB... this WOD was a little harder than i thought. switched to 5 pushups EMOM and it still took me the full 20 minutes... granted my left arm is totally SHOT... surgery on the horizon
