Back in 2008 when I really started to get into CrossFit I
remember how I would literally attack people with annoying never ending
diatribes against “globo gyms” and everything that wasn’t CrossFit. I was foolish and although most of what I
said was well-intentioned, it was still dripping with ignorance and naiveté.
Fortunately I have grown a LOT in the past five plus years
and have learned quite a bit. I am nowhere
near the coach/trainer/mentor/life-changer I want to be, but I am certainly
leaps and bounds better than I was years past.
But I did have some
good points back then...
I was reminded of one of these points (which I will
eventually get to I promise) while listening to “Mike and Mike” – a sports
radio talk show on ESPN radio - one morning on my way to the gym. The topic was the relationship and bonds
between players on an NFL team. Mike
Golic, former Notre Dame and NFL football player, spoke about how unique a
football huddle was. I believe he was
quoting someone else but unfortunately I cannot remember the person at this
time. Anyway, he went on to say that
inside that huddle there were no longer any differences between the eleven
men. Skin color didn’t matter, how much
you made didn’t matter, what kind of car you drove didn’t matter, your
experience didn’t matter… the only thing that mattered was that every single
man in that huddle was ready to do his absolute best for every other man
standing in that huddle.
The huddle transcends the outside world. For that brief moment reality as most of us
know it is suspended and in its place is left a unique opportunity to do
something amazing, to be something great, and to accomplish things many can’t
even begin to imagine.
Outside that huddle you are judged. You are told what you should and shouldn’t do
and how you should and shouldn’t do it.
Outside that huddle failure is expected and success is greeted with
delightful surprise. Boundaries are set
and comfort zones are never broken.
Dreams are replaced with expectations and hopes are dashed by someone
else’s definition of “reality”…
… But not in that huddle.
And not in my CrossFit box.
And not during the hour (or in my case hour and 5 minutes!) you are in
my class.
That hour is our huddle.
The people who show up are your team.
Once class starts, nothing else matters.
Color, income, political, religious, social beliefs… none of it matters,
just like in that huddle. We are in it
together, working to accomplish a goal.
THE SAME goal.
“But Ryan… the guy/girl next to me is, like, Joe/Jane
Competitor Badass Superman/woman… I’m not on his/her level!”
ENOUGH WITH THAT CRAP!!!! Stop with the excuses and stop
focusing on the WRONG things. You have
goals. The person next to you has
goals. It doesn’t matter what those
goals are… what does matter is that the both of you are giving 100% effort to
The unified goal, therefore, in every single class from every single person is to put forth the
greatest effort you possibly can to reach your goals. And that is something we do as a team, in our
little version of the huddle.
Next time you come into the gym look around and see who is
in there with you. Those are your
teammates. They are there to give 100%
right alongside of you… and they are counting on you to give that same
effort. Poor work ethic is contagious
and you wouldn’t dare ruin their workout by infecting them with your shitty
attitude. Man up… or woman up. Get tough and walk over to the person next to
you and hi five them and tell them “Let’s kick the shit out of this workout.” Work hard because you realize you are not an
individual but an integral part of a team that relies on you and counts on you
to give your all each and every time you step into that gym.
This was true back in 2008, and it is even truer now in 2013
as CrossFit continues to grow each and every day. It is why this CrossFit “fad” is anything but
a “fad”… and it’s going to be around for quite a while…
awesome! cant wait for tonight's Huddle!!