Life and Training... with an Attitude.

Life and Training... with an Attitude.
Train hard. Suck. Figue out why you suck. Train harder. Fix it. Be awesome.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We dont need no stinkin weights...

25 double unders / 75 singles
20 mountain climbers
15 sit outs
10 situps

For anyone just dropping in, you are temporarily excused from this. For all of you who have been training with me, NO MORE EXCUSES: its time to get our elbows UP on our front squats and our cleans...

I have been allowing many of my clients to skate by with horrible form in the rack position for a front squat and its been making life difficult for many of us... well, pretty much all of us. Especially Kricky and Rosie who hit themselves in the chin during clean and jerks this weekend...

We can blame flexibility which is definitely a legit cause but I am going to put some blame on lack of effort. Often times we use crutches (i.e. "im just not flexible enough") to excuse our inability to do a movement. NO MORE!! Its time we fight and fight hard to get into the right positions and do the lifts properly. Yes it sucks in the beginning but the end result is higher numbers, increased intensity and incredible results.

So be prepared people... no more slacking on your front squat positions. Ignore this warning and you will be doing burpees. Lots of them.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen said her arms are killing her...what are sit outs???
