Life and Training... with an Attitude.

Life and Training... with an Attitude.
Train hard. Suck. Figue out why you suck. Train harder. Fix it. Be awesome.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Push... and pull....

(NOTE: usually the WOD for the next day will be posted the night before, but the holiday weekend threw me off... I will get back on track tonight! Sorry!)
Squat Clean (work on technique!) 70% Max
EMOM (every minute on the minute)
Bench Press at 70% BW
Dead Hang Pull ups
- Every minute you add one rep. For example: 1:00 1/1 2:00 2/2 3:00 3/3...... 10:00 10/10
- Continue until you are unable to finish required repetitions within 60 second period

I am good at what I do mainly for 2 reasons: 1) I have a REAL PASSION for health and fitness, especially the sport of CrossFit 2) When I dont know, I find someone that does and I learn from them.
Any trainer that spends more time trying to prove to you why other ways DONT work instead of why his or her way does work is a joke. There are SO many methods, so many great minds and great trainers and fitness experts out there and I recommend you open your mind to ALL of them. If a trainer is not willing to continuously learn, that is a sad (and potentially dangerous) situation.
One thing that I have personally struggled with is mobility. I have learned about its benefits but never took the time to really apply it. But its value is indescribable, so it is time that I (and all of you) start taking this a lot more serious.
And how will we do that? We will go to the man who is putting his trademark on mobility. Kelly Starrett has started a blog, posting daily "mobility WODs" that will benefit EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. Please make an attempt to visit this page daily and check out whats on here. If you are new to CrossFit, this will get you started in the right direction. If you have been in the game a while, GUARANTEED this will help you blast through some plateaus and help you hit some PRs. Check it out...