Life and Training... with an Attitude.

Life and Training... with an Attitude.
Train hard. Suck. Figue out why you suck. Train harder. Fix it. Be awesome.

Friday, August 27, 2010

... And in the beginning, there was sweat...

Welcome everyone to the beginning of our journey to a level of fitness and accomplishment none of us ever imagined possible. In this first post, I want to talk about what CrossFit means to me, personally.

I first heard of CrossFit from my brother-in-law Frank, who is what we define as a "firebreather". His exploits in the gym are legendary, and anyone who has seen him in action can attest to that. An Army Ranger who had spent several years in Afghanistan and Central and South America applying his fitness in REAL life and death scenarios, Frank realized that CrossFit-style programs helped him be as physically and mentally prepared as any other program out there.

Now, while I do not plan on fighting in any wars any time soon, I was immediately intrigued. I began to research CrossFit vigrously and discovered CF had become a part of many military training regimens, especially special forces. Police and firemen across the country were also embracing CF, and slowly but surely mainstream fitness enthusiasts were as well... including me.

After training on my own, I went to my first class in the winter of 2008 at Guerrilla Fitness in Montclair. It was about 20 degrees in the gym (no heat in what was basically a giant garage) and after the "warm" up, I saw the WOD: 21-15-9 overhead squats and burpees. Overhead who? Burp what? I saw the 115 lbs. girl next to me put 65# on the bar, so I went ahead and put 95# on the bar, because surely I was stronger than her.....

... wrong. After practicing overhead squats with a PVC pipe, I realized I couldnt even stand up straight while holding the bar overhead. The GREAT staff af GF coached me and corrected me, and I was able to use the 45# bar for my OHS. The WOD crushed me, and I finished well behind the 115# female who used a heavier weight. I knew right there and then, I was OFFICIALLY HOOKED.

CrossFit, for me, is about performance. It is about setting goals, and crushing them. It is about accomplishing movements and workouts and lifts that I previously thought were impossible. CrossFit is about being apart of a larger community of people that come together with one common goal: never quit. I love that message... never quit. You may be a lawyer making millions working out alongside a kid making minimum wage at a fast food place, but for the duration of that workout, you guys (or gals) are one in the same... fighting and struggling to improve your fitness, reach your goals, and most importantly, never ever give up.

CrossFit works wonders for me. Not for everyone, for ME. It can do the same for you, if you want it to. It is built for everyone, but not everyone is built for CrossFit.

Follow this site, as I will regularly post WODs for us to enjoy (or dread, depending on your point of view) as well as pertinent articles and/or videos. I encourage EVERYONE to post their times and comments in the comment section for each day, and I look forward to our crew growing and growing. Today's WOD is one of the best of all:

REST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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